About Me

Yelena Johnson gut and glamourWelcome to my little corner of the world, known as Gut & Glamour. I’ve had blogs before, but none that fully encompassed all of my passions in life. Gut and Glamour is my attempt to find a home for all my musings, research and love for all things fashion, design, home, lifestyle, foodie and cooking obsessions and last, but certainly not least, gut health. If we don’t have our health, we have nothing. And embracing the beauty in the world, and in life, is my mantra for enjoying our brief and fabulous time on this earth.

And Who Am I?

My friends call me Yel. I am a wife and a mother to two rambunctious, insanely smart and wiley little kiddos (Audrey, 4.5, and Dean, 18 months). Most recently I ran a successful event design and planning business for 8 years (shout out to The Stylish Soiree – hollaaaaaa), but I’ve also been a writer, worked in public relations, and dabbled in fashion and the start up world as well. I’m an avid traveler, a die-hard researcher, knowledge and truth seeker, and lover of good design – in the home, in the world, and most definitely in clothing.

I used to live on chocolate chip cookies and pizza (true story: I once spent 3 months perfecting a chocolate chip cookie recipe and gained 7 lbs in the process), but after serious autoimmune and gut issues altered my life I’m now a gluten-free, dairy-free, grass-fed and quinoa-loving foodie on a quest to heal while still enjoying delicious grub.

I believe that life is beautiful, and should be lived accordingly. Living a beautiful life does not equate with perfection; it means embracing all of the flaws and problems and the innate messiness of life while making the best of it, staying positive, and always looking for the silver lining.

I hope I can provide you with a lot of inspiration, a little information on the latest research on topics like gut health and the micro biome, and a bit of humor (because life stories are best served up with a twist of hilarity and a splash of sarcasm).

You can reach me at yel {at} gutandglamour {dot} com

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